God is More Than Enough
Abundant Life Episode 44
In this episode Saso and Ben discuss how Christians can be content with God, because God is enough.
Enough – That satisfies desire, or gives content; that may answer the purpose; that is adequate to the wants.
– Websters 1828
Key Verse
Philippians 4:19
This is such a powerful truth, God is more than enough, because if it is true, which it is, it means we that we should be trusting God to meet our every need. Yet, we have this nasty sin called unbelief that leads us down a dark path into further sin.
We are living in a time where many so called believers are bible illiterate. The reality is that many Christians don’t know the truths and promises of God found in scripture and therefore they fall victim to unbelief. They simply don’t believe God is enough.
Rather we are bombarded by ads that tell us we deserve more, we are plagued with instant gratifications that social media brings, we place our hopes in an elected official, we commit sin and feed our flesh because we simply don’t believe that God is more than enough.
It’s interesting that the scripture deals with this idea of unbelief and in fact we did an episode on the topic of unbelief, episode 17 to be specific. Unbelief is like a cancer for unbelievers as the scriptures tell us that Satan blinds them from seeing the light of the gospel.
2 Corinthians 4:4
This speaks of unbelievers, but Satan does this same thing to believers to keep them as if they were still in bondage. It’s like the Andy Griffith show where Otis grabs the jail cell key hanging from the wall and lets himself out of jail. Christians have been forgiven and have been freed from the bondage of sin, yet we live like as if we were still in bondage.
Christian, do you deal with unbelief? Do you believe that God is more than enough? Or are you discontent? Do you lust for more? Are you intrigued by the world?
Throughout the Bible we see this theme of unbelief and it all started in the garden of eden. Adam and Eve chose to believe the lie of Satan that God wasn’t enough, they wanted more, they wanted to be like God. And in single act of sin, Adam brought down the human race into sin.
Genesis 3:1-7
Lucifer was cast out of heaven with one third of the angels as he lusted to be greater than God.
Just like Adam and Eve, we are ruined by our own hearts as we lust for more because both discontentment and covetousness are both rooted in unbelief.
The apostle John warned us about this. He told us not to lust for the shiny things of this world, but instead trust and obey God.
1 John 2:15-17
The problem
Our problem is that we get our eyes off of God and we then put our focus on ourselves. We look at ourselves, our circumstances, our failures, our sin, our short comings. We compare ourselves to others. We are by nature selfish and we love to think about ourself and how we can live our best life now. Joel Olsteen’s book, Your Best Life Now is a lie, your best life is only for believers and will come when you are in glory with our savior Jesus.
We complain and grumble and we believe the lie that God is not enough or that God is not in control, or that God doesn’t love me, or that God doesn’t bless me.
It’s this unbelief that drives us to a place of discontentment. Once we reach that point we start looking for fleshly things that will satisfy us. We then simply seek to feed our flesh and please ourselves which is always through some sort of sin. Not everyone sins the same, not everyone is tempted by the same sin, but we all have fleshly desires and our bent and bondage toward sin can only be broken by Jesus.
The problem with that is that the flesh can’t be satisfied with things of the world. God is the only one that can satisfy our souls. He is the one that gives peace to our souls. He is the one that gives us joy. He gives us comfort. He gives us the power to say no to sin. He is the one that truly gives us contentment and satisfaction.