The Spirit of Adoption

Abundant Life Episode 37

In this episode Saso and Ben discuss the topic of the Spirit of Adoption.

Websters 1828


The act of adopting, or the state of being adopted; the taking and treating of a stranger as one’s own child.
The receiving as one’s own, what is new or not natural.
God’s taking the sinful children of men into his favor and protection.

Key Verses: Romans 8:15-17

The bible speaks favorably about adoption throughout scripture and some examples are:

Jochebed and Moses (Exodus 1 & 2)
Esther was adopted by Mordecai, became queen and saved the Jews (Esther)
Jesus adopted by Joseph

Children of the devil

Before salvation, everyone is a child of the devil.

Matthew 13:38
John 8:44

Adoption is done by choice and out of love, and when we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior we are adopted into the family of God by means of Jesus, known as the Spirit of adoption.

1 John 3:1
Galatians 4:4-6
Ephesians 1:3-5

Your new identity

Identity issues sometimes come with earthly adoption (disconnected, lost, no sense of identity, unsure about past), however, spiritual adoption is much different.

John 1:12-13
2 Corinthians 5:17
John 15:15
Galatians 2:20


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