Episode 2: Are you a tree planted by the water?

In this episode Saso and Ben discuss Psalm 1 and how living the abundant life is like a tree planted by water.
Blessed is the man that does what?
It is not so much as what he does but what he chooses not to do. He does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly (does not hang around those who do not follow God), he does not stand with sinners, he does not sit in the seat of the scornful.
SCORN’FUL – holding religion in contempt; treating with disdain religion and the dispensations of God.
Websters 1828
Notice the descention used here. It goes from walking to standing to sitting. According to Lifeway research, 66% of teenagers drop out of church between the ages of 18-20 for at least 1 year. Of those 66% only 30% return.
- James 4:4
- 1 John 2:15-16
Verse 2
What are things the blessed man does?
He delights in the law of the Lord.
Have you ever delighted in something?
How does he delight?
He mediates on the law of the Lord, the Word of God!
What do you meditate on?
What do you often daydream about?
What are you fixated upon?
What captivates your thoughts?
Are you fixated on the Word of God? Does the word of God captivate you?
Verse 2, in a sense it is the key to the Christian life. When we read that verse it should cause us to think how we can be like this man that delights in the law of the Lord?
And there is the answer, he meditates on God’s law day and night. According to merriam-webster the definition of meditation is to engage in contemplation or reflection. Basically it means to think on or constantly think about something. In Psalm 119 you will see the Psalmist who meditates on God’s word, God’s testimonies, God’s laws, God’s precepts, God’s statutes and God’s commandments.
So what should we meditate on?
- Joshua 1:8
- Philippians 4:8
- Colossians 3:12
- Psalm 119:11
Verse 3
What are the results of meditating upon God and walking not in the counsel of the ungodly?
Blessings from almighty God, riches that this world cannot give. What God prospers, no man can come between. He is the sustainer of life.
Psalms 55:22
Saso and Ben both live in Sunny Phoenix Arizona and we have a weather phenomenon here called haboobs. It’s basically a very strong wind storm that typically comes with a huge cloud of dust. Anyhow, when these storms come in, it’s inevitable, there are many trees that get up rooted. Why is that? It’s because the roots don’t get any depth because of the dry and hard ground they are planted in. A tree that is watered will will grow deep roots so it is with a Christian who is grounded in God’s word, so that when the storms, trials and temptations of life come, the believer is not moved and his faith is not shaken. Believe it or not, but we can experience peace and joy during trials.
- Isaiah 26:3
- Romans 8:5-7
Not only do you receive the blessing of being planted by the water with deep roots, but you will also bear fruit. God is so good.
John 15:7-8
Verse 4
We have a contrast here of the person who does not follow God and goes His own way. Most of the world is in this category. The ungodly have no roots, they are not planted by anything of value, they are like the chaff (worthless things; trash) which the wind easily drives away. Taken every which way, Chaff is at one point part of the wheat but will soon be separated by He who is coming.
John 15:6
Verse 5
The ungodly will be separated from the righteous at the judgment just as the chaff is separated from the wheat. God’s timing is perfect and He will separate the righteous from the ungodly He will not be able to stand as he will be ashamed.
- Matthew 22:12,
- II Corinthians 5:10
- Matthew 25:30
- Matthew 7:21-23
It’s just heart wrenching to know that there are some people who “made a decision” or made a profession of faith and maybe even went to church and did some ministry type work, but their faith in Christ was not genuine. It’s a reminder for Christians to confirm their calling and election as Paul stated in 2 Peter 1,
Verse 6
The Lord knows those who are His and He knows the paths that they walk on.
- Psalms 37:23
- Psalms 139:24
The everlasting way is the way that never will perish. It is never too late to turn course and change paths.
What path are you on today?
Are you on the path to destruction or are you on the path to that which is everlasting?
Galatians 6:7-8
Are you living the abundant life God desires for you?
Are you like that tree planted by the water bearing fruit for eternal rewards and gains or are you like the chaff which is easily driven away?
Our challenge you is to read Psalm 119 and notice the posture of the Psalmist. Notice how the author is exhorting and encouraging God’s people to diligently seek and meditate on God’s word in effort to shape their character and conduct. So your challenge is to read Psalm 119 and be encouraged to meditate on God’s word with the ultimate goal of making application to your life.