Episode 59: I am a sinful man
UNCLEAN – Not clean; foul; dirty; filthy. In the Jewish law, ceremonially impure; not cleansed by ritual practices.
Webster’s 1828
Key Verse
Luke 5:8 – When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. ”
Peter had been with Jesus but then he realized who Jesus actually was. He called Him, “Master” but then in verse 8 he recognized his sinful condition as he saw who God was.
We often view God through our own lens and lower Him to our level instead of seeing Him as Peter saw Him when he performed this miracle
Isaiah 6:1-5
When we are in the presence of God, we see ourselves as unclean. We have no choice but to see the stark contrast between man and God, and we cannot fully understand the great divide as we can only see it through our human eyes.
God is Holy
Lesson 1 of the Exchange, God cannot look upon sin
Habakkuk 1:13
Exodus 33:17-23
John 1:18
Matthew 17:1-2
John 3:30
We must all come to this realization in order to come to Christ. There are two religions in this world: Works based and faith based. Works based in grounded in us increasing and He decreasing whereas faith based is holding Him in His proper view of Him increased and us decreased.
The fall of man was predicated on the elevation of self (Lucifer) and it is the downfall of man that sends him to hell when he is not accepting of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
John 9:24-25
We were all blind before coming to Christ, and when we put Him in His rightful place, He opens our eyes to the truth.
Praise God for what He is doing in the lives of people!
I’ve had the privilege to play a small part in two young me coming to Christ recently.
Have you put God in His rightful place or are you like King Festus?
Acts 26:24-28
What about you Christian? Are you seeing God through your lens or are you seeing Him as Peter saw Him on that day? “For I am a sinful man, O Lord. ”
There are many instances in the Bible where people repented (changed their mind) and thus, changed their lives.
Will you decrease Christian and let Him Increase? Will you give of your life to Him? Will you serve the Almighty God who is able to change your life like no one else? What are you living for today? Self? The pursuit of this world? Work? Money? Prestige?
Maybe you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior. Maybe you are depending on your own good works (self). Will you open your blind eyes to the truth? Will you surrender yourself to His kingship in your life?
Peter was spiritually naked before God and saw his sinful state!
Will you surrender lordship over your life and surrender to Him today?
Romans 14:11
He will always have the preeminence, so you decide if you will surrender or will you be forced to bow the knee?